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2015 Pink Pedal Challenge - Support Jo and Ginny
We spent the holiday season having a big long think about what things about us help us to stay on track and feel like we are making a difference - exercise, supporting causes that mean something and helping others - so we are embarking on a huge challenge on many levels.
Every day in Australia, 40 women are diagnosed with Breast Cancer and every day 7 women will lose their lives to this the most common of all cancers in women.
Your support and any help you can give us would mean a great deal and for Jo this ride for breast cancer has a personal side and meaning as her Grandmother Maria lost both breasts to this disease and recently her Aunt has been diagnosed. Ginny has recently supported her close friend through breast cancer treatment and ongoing recovery.
We will, as part of the ride, be given the opportunity to visit some brave local women who are fighting breast cancer and learn about their journey.
The Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) work to ensure that women diagnosed with breast cancer and their families, receive the very best information, treatment, care and support possible, and are the peak national organisation for Australians affected by breast cancer, and consists of a network of more than 80,000 individual members and 320 Member Groups. Our fundraising will help the BCNA provide free programs, resources and support to Australian women who also hear those dreaded three words - 'you have breast cancer'. Any donation is greatly appreciated and will go a long way in helping to make the journey that little easier. Your contribution, no matter the size WILL have a positive effect on these women and their families.
We are two friends aiming to make a difference and raise money for Breast Cancer!
2015 Pink Pedal Challenge - Support Jo and Ginny

Breast Cancer Network Australia
Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is Australia’s leading breast cancer consumer organisation. It works to ensure all Australians affected by breast cancer receive the very best care, treatment and support by informing, connecting and being a collective voice for more than 20,000 Australians diagnosed with breast cancer every year. For more information visit www.bcna.org.au or call 1800 500 258.
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